From left, Dr. Susan H. Weil and her husband Dr. Jonathan Weil, conclude the Torah with its last letter (ending the word Israel) with the help of Religious Scribe Rabbi David Shushan.

HUDSON –Two hundred fifty people from around Columbia County joined together at Hudson’s Historic Opera House for a festive luncheon welcoming the completion of Columbia County Jewish community’s new Torah scroll on Sunday, July 7. According to Rabbi Mendel Kremer, “This celebration was the culmination of Chabad of Columbia County’s endeavor to unite the community and was spearheaded by local Jewish residents. Jews from all walks of life took part in a public parade through Warren St., an occurrence which longtime Hudson residents have shared that they have never seen happen locally before.”

Dancing and parade on Warren St. as many in the Jewish community followed the new Torah.

In addition to song and dance along Hudson’s main street, one of the highlights of the event was the opportunity for individuals and families to write a letter, with the help of Scribe Rabbi David Shushan, in the new Torah scroll using authentic ink and parchment.

Torah parade.

“Participating in the act of writing a letter in the Torah is a special and an emotional experience for many, in particular for people who had never done so before,” said Rabbi Kremer. Once the letters had been fully inscribed and the fresh ink had dried, the brand new scroll was covered in a traditional mantle and placed in a custom-made ark. Donors were commemorated with plaques acknowledging their contribution and each individual received a memento, a piece of the cloth used to cover the Torah scroll. Plush stuffed replica Torahs were presented to each child. The celebration ended with dancing in the opera house, and a dessert reception.

The Kremer family, back row, from left, Rochie Kremer and her husband Rabbi Mendel Kremer, and front row their children, Chaim Meir, Chaya and Esther and at far right, Rabbi David Shushan, religious scribe

Some of the day’s speakers included Dr. Susan Weil and Columbia County Judge Brian J. Herman. Noa Rose, born-and-bred in upstate NY, spoke about Jewish unity, followed by Zachary Waldman, @DandelionKing of Instagram and TikTok fame, who spoke about the growth of the Jewish community in Hudson and its environs.

Dr. Susan H. Weil speaks at the program.

Columbia County Judge Brian J. Herman speaks at the program.

Zachary Waldman, @DandelionKing of Instagram and TikTok was a guest speaker.