Albany City Lodge #540 Knights of Pythias, a fraternal organization dedicated to the principles of friendship, charity, and benevolence, has donated to the Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors.

The donation is intended to enhance the quality of life for the residents, provide essential services, and support programs and activities that promote well-being and engagement among the senior community.

“We are incredibly thankful for the Knights of Pythias for decades of generous support,” said Mark L. Koblenz, President & CEO of the Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors. “Their commitment enables us to offer exceptional care and a vibrant community for our residents. Partnerships like these are crucial in ensuring that we can maintain and expand our services.”

“Supporting our local seniors is a cause close to our hearts,” said Harold Rockowitz, Knights Chancellor Commander. “We are honored to contribute to the Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors and help them continue their important work. We believe in the power of community and the importance of ensuring our seniors receive the care and support they deserve.”

The Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors offers assisted living, rehabilitation, and skilled nursing care.

For more information about the Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors and how to support their mission, please visit or contact Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors at 518-456-7831.

More info: Marcy Stryker, Director of Philanthropy & Marketing (518) 724-3260
[email protected]