HUDSON–Congregation Anshe Emeth will host an open house on Sunday, Sept. 22, at 3 p.m. to welcome Rabbi David Almog who replaces the late Rabbi Daniel Fried who was the spiritual leader of the congregation for the past 40 years. The synagogue is located at 240 Joslen Blvd., Hudson.

Rabbi Almog was ordained by YCT Rabbinical School in 2005 and has served in various rabbinic capacities, including campus rabbi at Columbia University and teaching future clergy at the Academy for Jewish Religion in New York. He is finishing a doctorate in rabbinic texts at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America.

He is joined in Hudson by his wife Lisa, a Jewish educator, and their two children.

Rabbi Almog said, “I am passionate about making Judaism relevant and meaningful for our contemporary, diverse community. Whether through innovative approaches to tefillah (prayer), teaching Jewish texts, leading Jewish meditation or enjoying Hudson’s local scene, my goal is to foster a vibrant and inclusive community where everyone feels valued and connected.”

The congregation’s Book Club’s “Koshersoul” presentation with a Zoom presentation by the author will follow the open house.

Information may be obtained at congregatioansheemeth.org, or by calling 518-828-6848.