SCHENECTADY– Congregation Beth Israel in Schenectady has announced that Rabbi Martin Rosenfeld and Rabbi/Chazzan Avraham Fischer are scheduled to officiate at High Holiday services this year.

Regulars at Shabbat services have enjoyed and been enriched by the meaningful teachings, comments, stories, insights and sermons of Rabbi Martin Rosenfeld for the past three years,” according to one congregant.

Rosenfeld has semicha from Yeshiva University and a JD from New England School of Law. He has served congregations in West Hartford, Conn., Chicago, Ill, and Fair Lawn, N.J.  He is a self-employed divorce mediator and attorney. For the last 20 years, he has also served as a substitute teacher for the Bergen County Special Services program and he teaches students and adults with special needs.

Rabbi/Chazzan Avraham Fischer hails from Beit Shemesh, Israel. He has been serving various congregations on the High Holidays for the past 26 years From 2008 until the present, he has served as the rabbi and chazzan of Bet Knesset Shaarei Tefillah in Beit Shemesh, and for the last 30 years, he has been teaching Judaics at Rachel V’Chaya College for Women and at Shapell’s/Yishivat Darchei Noam in Israel. Additionally, he works for Berlitz and for Dagesh. He also acts and directs for the Jerusalem English Speaking Theatre and for films produced for the Orthodox community. Fischer was born in the United States and earned his bachelor’s degree at Yeshiva University and a master’s degree in English literature from New York University. He has semicha from Yeshiva University.

The congregation, according to its administrators, will be happy to welcome non-members at High Holiday services.  No tickets are required.

Information may be obtained by calling the synagogue office at 518-377-3700 Messages will be returned,