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About The Free Press

A new media company built on the ideals that were once the bedrock of American journalism.

The Free Press is a new media company founded by Bari Weiss and built on the ideals that once were the bedrock of great journalism: honesty, doggedness, and fierce independence. We publish investigative stories and provocative commentary about the world as it actually is—with the quality once expected from the legacy press, but the fearlessness of the new.

Originally called Common Sense, we focus on stories that are ignored or misconstrued in the service of an ideological narrative. For us, curiosity isn’t a liability. It’s a necessity.

Expect debates, scoops from trusted reporters, provocations from those thinking outside the lines, and live events that bring people with different views together into a truly diverse community.

You won’t agree with everything we run. And we think that’s exactly the point.

Our Values

At The Free Press, we hold ourselves to a consistent set of values that guide our coverage, our behavior, and our treatment of others. From our leadership, to our employees, to our investors, we co-sign the following:


We seek and report the truth. We tell it plainly when we uncover it, even when it’s politically inconvenient.


For others, curiosity has become a liability. At The Free Press, we believe an open mind is fundamental to doing good journalism.


We assume good faith. We treat each other and our sources with the utmost respect.

Hard Work

Great journalism takes hard work, and we embrace it. We require the old-fashioned reporter skill set—empathy, courage, ingenuity, and drive—for everyone on our team.


We are proudly not a political monolith. Independence isn’t just a journalistic value for us; it’s also fundamental to the way we are building our business.


We take tremendous pride in being best-in-class. We have faith that success will follow if we relentlessly focus on delivering an excellent product every day to our audience.

Common Sense

We are adults, and we treat our readers like adults, too. We encourage each other to think for ourselves and change our minds when we encounter new information.

Belief in the American Project

Our reporting and opinion can be harshly critical of our country and its leaders, but that is because we believe deeply in America and its promise. We make no apology for making distinctions between good and bad, liberalism and illiberalism, the rule of the law and mob rule, freedom and unfreedom—and we advocate forcefully for the former.

A free press for free people.

To get in touch, contact [email protected].