HUDSON–A“Kosher for Passover” seder will be held at the Anshe Emeth Synagogue, 240 Joslen Blvd., Hudson, on Sunday April 13, at 6 p.m.

This community seder will be led by Rabbi David Almog. The meal will consist of chopped liver, gefilte fish, chicken soup with matzo balls, roasted chicken, sweet potato and carrot tzimmes, matzah kugel, and assorted Passover desserts. If notified in advance, a vegetarian meal will be provided.

This event is partially underwritten by the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York.

The price is $45 for adults and $20 for students through college age. If requested, an accommodation may be made on the price. Reservations may be obtained by calling the synagogue office at 518-828-6848 by Wednesday, April 1. Those planning to attend may mail a check to Congregation Anshe Emeth.