SCHENECTADY– The Schenectady Jewish Community Center (SJCC) will screen “All About the Levkoviches” followed by a discussion led by Peter and BJ Rosenfeld and Ed and Andrea Leighton, as a part of its Jewish film festival on Saturday, Feb. 15, and the Center’s first plant swap on Feb. 16, to note Tu B’Shevat. Both programs will be at the Center, 2565 Balltown Rd.
The film, set for 7:30 p.m. on Saturday evening, is a family comedy about an elderly boxing coach, known for his generosity but also for his stubbornness. He finds it easy to connect with everyone except his own son.
Additionally, the SJCC is inviting community members to its inaugural plant swap at 2:30 p.m. Attendees may bring three of houseplants (potted plants, bulbs or rooted cuttings) and swap them for new ones provided by others attending.
Susan Bardack at or 518-867-7940 can provide details.