Ongoing events are now visible below the dated events. If you would like to submit an event or modify an existing event, please fill out the form here.

Please call or contact organizations if there is a question about an event listed here.Friday, March 21

Beth Emeth Erev Shabbat Service – 5:30 p.m. in-person at 100 Academy Rd., Albany, or via live-stream Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Tuesday, March  25

A Story Of Holocaust Survival: An Artist’s Journey–6 p.m. The William K. Sanford Town Library, 629 Albany Shaker Rd., Loudonville. Holocaust survivor and artist, Tibor Spitz  will relate his history. Free. Sponsored by Colonie Chabad. Reg.–

Beth Emeth Day On The Slopes – 9 a.m. Gore Mountain for a full day of skiing (location will be shared with registered participants). Lunch plans will be made as a group. Lift tickets are required and may be purchased in advance through the Gore Mountain website or on skiing  day. Reg.– Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Wednesday, March 26

Beth Emeth Youth Group – 5:30 – 7 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. All area  high schoolers invited. Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Thursday, March 27

Temple Israel of Catskill Healing Village–6 p.m. 220 Spring St., Catskill. Fund-raiser forIsraeli healing center program. Israeli-style dinner, Program led by Israeli Nar Margalith. $60 p.p. Res., Info.–[email protected], 518-943-5758.

The Chief Rabbi’s Funeral, With Scott D. Seligman–7 p.m. Zoom. The single largest anti-Semitic incident in American history will be discussed. Sponsored by the Yiddish Book Center. Reg.–

Beth Emeth Hosts NNORC Birthday Potluck – 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Those attending bring a  dish to share and NNORC (Neighborhood Naturally Occurring Retirement Community) will provide the cake. Bringing a dish is optional. Reg.–518-516-1114 or [email protected].

Beth Emeth Sisterhood Dinner Out – 6-8 pm. Outback Steakhouse, 145 Wolf Rd., Colonie. Reg. by 3/23– Info. –518-436-9761, [email protected].

Friday, March 28

Reform Community Notes Founders Day Shabbat–7 p.m. Temple Gates of Heaven, 852 Ashmore Ave., Schenectady. Area Reform Movement congregations to celebrate local history together. David Lyon, president of the Central Conference of American Rabbis, to speak. Info.–518-374-8173.

Saturday, March 29

Albany Film Festival–10:30 a.m. -7 p.m. University at Albany Campus Center, 1400 Washington Ave., Albany. Director Susan Seidelman of “Desperately Seeking Susan” to be presented Ironweed Award. Film screenings, talks. Free. No Reg. required. Info.– Sponsored by NYS Writers Institute.

Beth Emeth Torah Study – 9:30-10:30 a.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Discussion of the weekly Torah portion, Pekudei, in-person and via Zoom. Reg.– Zoom link: Password: CBE. Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Sunday, March 30

Temple Anshe Amunim Winter Film Series: “Call Me Dancer”2-5 p.m. 26 Broad St., Pittsfield, Mass. Speaker. $10. Reg.– templeoffice@ansheamunimorg or

“Letter To God”–3 p.m. Schenectady Jewish Community Center, 2565 Balltown Rd., Schenectady. Staged reading by New Russia Cultural Center based on the story of Ukrainian Jewish writer Anatoly Crym. Free. Info.–518-516-1115. SJCC, 518- 377-8803

Agudat Achim Breakfast: The Immigrant Press–9:30 a.m. Agudat Achim Synagogue, 2117 Union St., Schenectady. Kenneth Levine will discuss Die Yiddishe Velt. $10 p.p. Res., Info.–518-393-9211.

Torah Imecha: Community Learning With Women Rabbis, Cantors–12:30-3 p.m. B’nai Sholom, 420 Whitehall Rd., Albany. All genders invited to free study sessions. Info.–Rabbi Wendy Love Anderson, 518-438-7858.

Wednesday, April 2

Beth Emeth Interfaith Lunch And Learn – 12 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany, or on Zoom. Love and Tradition: Exploring Jewish and Catholic Weddings, a Jewish-Catholic dialogue with Rabbi Nomi Manon and Father Anthony Barratt. Participants bring lunch. Zoom using’s event calendar. Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Beth Emeth Youth Group – 5:30 – 7 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. All area  high schoolers invited. Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Thursday, April 3

Dinner, Discussion With Stuart E. Eizenstat–6:30 p.m. Cordes Hill Community Center, Rhinebeck Reformed Church, 6368 Mill St. former envoy to European Union and former deputy secretary of treasury and state, to discuss his book, The Art of Diplomacy. Reg., Info.–www, or 845-471-9811.

Beth Emeth Sisterhood Book Club – 7 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany.  Discussion of book, City of Thieves by David Benioff. Reg. required– Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Friday, April 4

Nassau Synagogue Kabbalat Shabbat Service, Dinner–6-8 p.m. 12 Albany Ave., Nassau. $20. Reg., Info.– [email protected] or 518-766-9831.

Beth Emeth Ruach Shabbat Service, Dinner – 5:30 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany, pre-neg, 5 pm. Service features Grades 4, 5 from the Einhorn Center for Jewish Education. Dinner to follow: $12 per adult, children 12 and under admitted at no cost. Reg. by 4/2– Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Saturday, April 5

Gates of Heaven Yoga Minyan–1015-11:15 a.m. 852 Ashmore Ave., Schenectady. Info.–518 374-9173.

Beth Emeth Torah Study  – 9:30-10:30 a.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany.  Rabbinic Intern Spencer Mandell to discuss the weekly Torah portion, in-person and via Zoom. Reg.– Zoom link: Password: CBE. Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Sunday, April 6

SJCC’s Touch A Truck– 2-4 p.m. Schenectady Jewish Community Center, 2565 Balltown Rd., Schenectady. Fund-raiser to feature variety of vehicles and family activities. Tix: $8 p.p. Info–

SJCA Braid Presentation–2 p.m. Live Zoom event. Presentation: “Hold Me, Heal Me.” Q and A to follow. Reg., Info. –518-584-8730, (See 4/10).

Beth Emeth Brotherhood Monthly Meeting – 10 a.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Bagels, shmooze, meeting. Info. – [email protected].Beth Emeth

CBEYG Jr. Club 7,8 – 12:15 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. For teens in Grades 7 and 8. Chocolate seder, interactive games,  Reg. required by 4/ 3,  Info. – [email protected].

Wednesday, April  9

Beth Emeth Youth Group – 5:30 -7 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. All area high schoolers are invited to CBEYG’s weekly meeting  Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Beth Emeth Evening Learning: A Year of Jewish Cooking, Holidays, and Beyond 7- 8 p.m., 100 Academy Rd. Albany. With Rabbi Greg Weitzman. Reg.– Info.– 518- 436-9761, [email protected].

Thursday, April  10

SJCA Braid Presentation– 7 p.m. Live Zoom event. Presentation: “Hold Me, Heal Me.” Q and A to follow. Reg., Info. –518-584-8730, (See 4/6).

Friday, April  11

Beth Emeth Erev Shabbat Service – 5:30 p.m. in-person at 100 Academy Rd., Albany, or via live-stream at Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].

Saturday, April  12

Bethlehem Chabad Community  Pesach Seder – 7 p.m. 393 Delaware Ave., Delmar. Reg., Info.,–[email protected], 518-439-3310.
Clifton Park Chabad Community Pesach Seder– 7 p.m. 405 Moe Rd., Clifton Park. Family friendly, interactive. $40, adults, $15, children (4–11)  +$15 after 4/ 7. Res., Info.–519-495-0072, cliftonparkchabad@gmail. (See 4/13)
Beth Emeth Torah Study  – 9:30-10:30 a.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Lay Leader George Forrest to discuss weekly Torah portion, in-person and via Zoom. Reg. – Zoom link: Password: CBE. Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected].
Colonie Chabad Community Pesach Seder– 7 p.m. 401 Loudon Rd., Loudonville. Adult $36 ($25 Earlybird by 4/2), Children $10. After April 5 prices go up by $10. Res. required! Res. –, or Rabbi Mordechai, Chana Rubin: or 518-368-7886. (See 4/13)

Sunday, April  13

Anshe Emeth Community Seder–6 p.m. Anshe Emeth Synagogue, 240 Joslen Blvd., Hudson. Rabbi David Almog to lead. $45 for adults and $20 for students through college age. Info., Res. by 4/1– 518-828-6848.

Clifton Park Chabad Community Pesach Seder– 7 p.m. 405 Moe Rd., Clifton Park. Family friendly, interactive. $40, adults, $15, children (4–11)  +$15 after 4/ 7. Res., Info.–519-495-0072, cliftonparkchabad@gmail. (See 4/12)

Colonie Chabad Community Pesach Seder– 7 p.m. 401 Loudon Rd., Loudonville. Adult $36 ($25 Earlybird by 4/2), Children $10. After April 5 prices go up by $10. Res. required! Res. –, or Rabbi Mordechai, Chana Rubin: or 518-368-7886. (See 4/12)

Beth Emeth 2nd Night Seder – 4 p.m. 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Led by Andrea McNellis, director of program operations. Traditional readings, rituals, songs and contemporary insights. Geared to adults. Cloring activities for children. The kosher-style meal, catered by 518 Kosher and heated in the Beth Emeth kitchen. $30 per adult (13 and older); $18 (4-12), free, under 4. Financial aid available; Info. – 518-436-9761, [email protected]. Reg. –

Thursday, April 17

Beth Emeth Trivia Night– 6 – 9 p.m. Warbler Brewery, 155 Delaware Ave., Delmar. Competition testing knowledge of pop culture to history. Info .–518- 436-9761, [email protected].

Friday, April 18

Beth Emeth Erev Shabbat Service – 5:30 p.m,.in-person at 100 Academy Rd., Albany, or via live-stream at Info.– 518-436-9761, [email protected].

 Tuesday, April 22

SJCA Film Discussion:“The Syrian Bride”–7 p.m. $10. Reg., Info. –518-584-8730, [email protected].

Wednesday, April 23

Area Yom HaShoah Commemoration–7 p.m. Temple Israel of Catskill, 220 Spring St., (Rt 385), Catskill. Live-streaming from the Jewish Federation Of Northeastern N.Y., 184 Washington Ave., Ext., Albany. Info. 518-793-7800.

Saturday, April  27

SJCC Film Fest:“Revenge: Our Dad the Nazi Killer”–7  p.m. Schenectady Center, 2565 Balltown Rd., Schenectady. Individual tix, $7 for JCC members, $13 for non.  Info.–, 518-377-8803.

Thursday, May 8

Temple Israel Of Albany 75th Anniversary Gala–6 p.m. Temple Israel, 600 New Scotland Ave., Albany. Honoring TI Cantor Rogerio Marx  on Chai (18th) anniversary. Comedian Benji Lovitt. L Chaim, Laughter, Legacy —Various ticket prices and sponsorships. Info., Reg.–

Friday, May 9 

Jewish Federation Community Shabbat–6 p.m. Albany Jewish Community Center, 340 Whitehall Rd., Albany. Area Jewish streams to unite for Shabbat program. Adm., Reg., Info. –518-783-7800.

Sunday, May 18

SJCC Film Festival: “Leonard Bernstein and the Israel Philharmonic”–7:30  p.m. Schenectady Center, 2565 Balltown Rd., Schenectady. Individual tix, $7 for JCC members, $13 for non.  Dinner at 6 p.m. Info.–, 518-377-8803.

Thursday, June 5

Jewish Family Services Mensches & Mimosas–7 p.m. Virtual. Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award  presentation to Rabbi Scott L. Shpeen. Efforts of 27 community volunteers (menschen) to be noted. Info.– or 518-482-8856.

Tuesday, June 17

The Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York (JFNENY) Annual Meeting–7 p.m. Voting. The Golub Center, 184 Washington Avenue Extension, Albany. Nominations for officers and members of the Board of Directors of Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York (JFNENY) and the Endowment Board of Governors of the Jewish Community Endowment Fund of the Jewish Federation has begun. Info.–Rebecca Miller, [email protected].



Beth Emeth  Monday Knit & Nosh 7-8:30 p.m. chat via Zoom.  Zoom link; Password: “128452.” Info. –Marion Greenberg, [email protected].

Beth Emeth Weekly Saturday Torah Study 9:30-10:30 a.m., 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Discussion of the weekly Torah portion. No knowledge of Torah, Hebrew or Judaism is necessary to participate. In person, proof of COVID-19 vaccination and masks. Join by Zoom, log in at; Password: CBE. Info.–Andrea McNellis  at 518-436-9761.

Temple Gates of Heaven: Restoring the Soul:–8 a.m. Virtual. Jewish prayer and images half hour session led by Rabbi Matt Cutler. Every week thru June 4. Info.–518-37-8173.

Beth Emeth Sunday Discoveries –9:30 a.m. – noon. Free playgroup. Meet other parents while the kids play in staffed Discovery Room. Beth Emeth, 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Info. – 518-436-9761 or [email protected].

Beth Emeth CBE & Me– 9- 10 a.m.  Select Saturdays. Newborn to Pre-K children and their grown ups are invited to join for Shabbat and holiday celebrations with sing-alongs,  stories, and crafts. Beth Emeth, 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Info. – 518-436-9761 or [email protected].

Weekly Torah Portion DiscussionTuesdays, 12:30-1:30 p.m. Agudat Achim Synagogue, 2117 Union St., Schenectady. Free.

Kikush V’Cafe: Hebrew and Coffee–8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Temple Israel. 600 New Scotland Ave., Albany. Variety of topics. Tuesdays thru June 24. Info.–518- 438-7858.

Beth Emeth ARBA for Fours 9:30 a.m.-noon. Beth Emeth, 100 Academy Rd., Albany. Twice a month. Info. –[email protected].

Babies Morning OutMondays, 9:15-11:30 a.m., Sundays 9:30a.m.-noon. Temple Gates of Heaven, 852 Ashmore Ave., Schenectady. 518-374-8173.

Kabbalah for Beginners Mondays, 7 p.m. Bethlehem Chabad 393 Delaware Ave., Albany Info.–Rabbi Nachman Simon, 518-439-8280.

Talmud for BeginnersWednesdays, 7 p.m. Bethlehem Chabad 393 Delaware Ave., Albany. Info.–Rabbi Nachman Simon, 518-439-8280.

Ne’imah Jewish Chorus RehearsalsSundays, 7:30-9 p.m. B’nai Sholom, 420 Whitehall Rd., Albany. Info.–, or 518-458-2517.

PJ Library Havdalah Play GroupTuesdays, 9:15 a.m. Gates of Heaven, 852 Ashmore Ave., Schenectady. Free. 518-374-8173 or Amy Drucker, 518-783-7800.

Chane’s Yiddish Vinkl with Noami Halpern Wednesdays, 10 a.m.-12 p.m.  at the Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. Free. Info.– (845) 679-2218.

“Chug Ivrit” Modern Hebrew Conversation GroupThursdays, 11 a.m.-12 p.m. at the Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. Free. Info.– (845) 679-2218.

Contemplative Meditation with Gail Albert Thursdays, 10:30-11:30 a.m. at the Woodstock Jewish Congregation, 1682 Glasco Turnpike, Woodstock. Free. Info.– (845) 679-2218.

“The Jewish View” Television ProgramCo-hosts: Rabbi Nachman Simon, Chabad House of Delmar, Marc Gronich, Statewide News Service, jbiztechvalley, shown in Albany on Channel 18 (for digital cable subscribers) Channel 116.3 (for standard & basic cable subscribers) Monday, 9:30 p.m., Tuesday, 6 p.m. Thursday, 6 p.m., Bethlehem Community Television Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. Verizon Foist Channel 28 TimeWarner Channels 17 and 116-118. Schenectady cable access, Open Stage Media: Sunday, 9 p.m., Tuesday, 11:30 a.m., Tuesday, 9 p.m. Thursday, 11:30 a.m., Friday, 11:30 a.m. Info.–[email protected].

Torah/Haftorah Cantillation Class Mondays, 8-9 p.m. Cantor Rogerio Marx teaches/sings biblical chanting. Temple Israel, 600 New Scotland Ave., Albany. 518-438-7858.

Hebrew Classes Shaaray Tefila, 68 Bay St., Glens Falls. Intermediate, Wednesdays 7 p.m. Introductory, Wednesdays 8 p.m. 518-926-6620.

Hebrew Literature Class weekly after Saturday morning Kiddush. Shaaray Tefila, 68 Bay St., Glens Falls.

Baby Loves Shabbat, Tuesdays, 10 a.m.  Classes for mothers, children (ages 1-4). At Clifton Park Chabad, 495 Moe Rd., Clifton Park. 518-495-0779 or [email protected].

Torah Studies, Saturdays, 9:30 a.m. At B’nai Sholom, 420 Whitehall Rd., Albany. Info.– 518-482-5283.

Soul Maps, Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Kabbalah to navigate your inner world. Clifton Park Chabad, 495 Moe Rd., Clifton Park. In-person or via Zoom meeting. Zoom. Reg. – Info. – Contact Rabbi Yossi Rubin at 518-495-0772

Torah Studies, Wednesday evenings.  At Clifton Pk. Library, 475 Moe Rd. By Clifton Park Chabad’s Rabbi Yossi Rubin. In-person or via Zoom. To attend via Zoom: Contact Rabbi Yossi Rubin 518-495-0772;

Story Time & Shema, Wednesdays, 6:30-7 p.m. “Virtual.” Children’s program by Clifton Park Chabad. For Zoom info.– Leah Rubin at 518-495-0779.

Women’s Torah & Tea, Thursdays, noon. Clifton Park Chabad, 495 Moe Rd., Clifton Park. In-person or via Zoom meeting. For Zoom info. – Contact Rabbi Yossi Rubin at 518-495-0772

Torah Studies with Rabbi Zalman Simon, Thursdays, 7:30 p.m., Bethlehem Chabad, 393 Delaware Ave., Delmar.

Intro. to Judaism Classes, Sundays, 9-10 a.m. Rabbi Chanan Markowitz. At Beth Shalom, 688 Clifton Pk. Ctr. Rd., Clifton Pk. 518-371-0608.

Mah Jongg Mondays, 12-4 p.m. Temple Israel, Catskill, 220 Spring St. Info.– 518-945-1635.

Yiddish Forum Tuesdays 10:30-11:30 a.m. AJCC, 340 Whitehall Rd., Albany. $2.25. Info.– 518-438-6651, ext. 11.