ALBANY– The Havurah Minyan of the Capital District, a welcoming, pan-Jewish denomination congregation committed to celebrating the High Holidays with joy and community, has announced its service schedule for this year. Both Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur Services will be held at the Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center, 340 Whitehall Rd.

According to organizers, Minyan services provide space for reflection and insight. Congregants can take an active role from ark openings to leading “kavanot,” meditations on themes of the day. Prayers are generally in Hebrew but there are many opportunities for sharing and learning in English. Women and men participate equally in the services. All are welcome.

“I couldn’t imagine going anywhere else for the High Holidays,” said Tina Lieberman, a member from Albany. “Because it’s small, the Minyan gives me an opportunity to go deeper into the spiritual aspects of these special days while also experiencing the communal power of prayer and self-reflection.”

For security reasons, those planning to attend must e-mail [email protected] or call or text Cathy Kushner at 518-330-3151 in advance  of the holidays to let organizers know which days they will be attending.

Minyan prayer leaders Aliza Abolafia and Rabbi Beth Naditch will lead davening and Torah conversations. A graduate of Harvard Divinity School, Abolafia is associate director of Teen Empowerment at Yeshivat Hadar and spiritual advisor at Camp Yavneh in N.H. She has led Rosh Hashanah services at the Minyan for five years.

Naditch is a chaplain and provides chaplaincy for Hebrew Senior Life in Boston, where she is the incoming director of clinical pastoral education. Her professional passions include geriatric chaplaincy, trauma-informed care, and resilience. She returns for her 22nd year to lead Yom Kippur services for the Havurah Minyan.

Schedule for Services (all held at the Jewish Community Center, 340 Whitehall Rd, Albany)

Rosh Hashanah: Thurs. Oct. 3 and Fri. Oct. 4 at 9:30 a.m.

Kol Nidre:  Fri. Oct. 11 at 5:30 p.m., followed by discussion on holiday themes


Yom Kippur: Sat. Oct. 12 at 9 a.m. with a mid-afternoon break.

(Approximate times for remainder of the day are listed here )

Mincha at 3:45 p.m.

Torah discussion at 5-5:45 p.m.

N’eilah at 6 p.m.

Havdalah and Shofar Blowing at 7 p.m. (congregants are invited to bring havdalah candles and a shofar)

Break-fast following the concluding Shofar Blowing— Minyan members contribute vegetarian dishes for this coordinated communal meal.

No tickets are required and all may attend regardless of ability to pay. The Minyan encourages contributions of $100 per person, $200 per family to help cover expenses.

The Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York  will accept contributions on behalf of the Minyan or you contributions may be sent directly to The Minyan, payable to the Havurah Minyan,  ℅ L. E. Weiss, 41 Homestead St., Albany, N.Y. 12203.

Gifts sent to the Federation should indicate “Havurah Minyan Contribution” and mailed to 184 Washington Avenue Ext, Albany, N.Y. 12203. The Federation also accepts gifts via its website with appropriate designation.