In northeastern New York, a legacy-giving program has been established to preserve vibrant Jewish life for future generations by ensuring the long-term financial health of Jewish community organizations. This program, a collaboration between Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York and the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF), has already secured over 769 legacy commitments with an estimated value of $16,719,956 in future and realized gifts. Participating organizations in Northeastern New York include Congregation Agudat Achim, Congregation Berith Sholom, Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob, Congregation Beth Emeth, Congregation Gates of Heaven, Congregation Ohav Shalom, Daughters of Sarah, Hebrew Academy of the Capital District, Jewish Family Services, Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York, Maimonides Hebrew Day School, Temple Israel and Temple Sinai.

According to Jesse Holland, chairman of the Life & Legacy Committee for Northeastern New York, “This endowment-building initiative is significant to our community because it offers a way for us to ensure a sustainable Jewish world for generations to come.”

Recently, community leaders joined colleagues from across the U.S. and Canada for the 2024 Life & Legacy Leadership Conference in Springfield, Mass. According to organizers, the conference was designed to provide networking opportunities and share best practices among participants to further efforts to make endowment-building and legacy-giving normative behavior and create sustainable, legacy-giving programs in local communities and organizations.

Attendees from Northeastern New York included Rabbi Moshe Bomzer, Ted Brown, David Ginsburg, David Gittelman, Deborah Goldstein, Gary Goldstein, Rabbi Debora Gordon, Eileen Handelman, Jeff Handelman, Jesse Holland, Mindy Holland, Monna Israel, Shoshie Israel, Miriam Kean, Rabbi Ben Kean, Gail Kendall, Alan Richer, Jessica Richer, Marcia Rosenberg, Rabbi Abba Rubin, Rabbi Yossi Rubin, Rachael Schertzer, Marcy Stryker, Bess Wadler and Gordon Zuckerman.

Kathy Sarlson, Life & Legacy’s national director, said in her opening remarks, “We commend you for embedding a culture of philanthropy within your communities and for modeling true collaboration among participating organizations. We celebrate your invaluable service and commitment. This conference is designed with you in mind. We’ve curated workshops and speakers to address your needs and goals, recognizing the vital role each of you play in shaping the future of Jewish communities throughout North America.”

More than 180 participants from 40 communities attended the conference over its three days. Participants represented Jewish federations, Jewish community foundations, congregations, day schools, JCCs, Hillels, JFSs, Chabad, and other Jewish communal organizations. Highlights included a Yom HaShoah observance; a keynote by Dan Elbaum, head of North America for The Jewish Agency for Israel; workshops on a variety of topics; small group discussions and a panel discussion titled “What Makes a Successful Legacy Effort?”

Life & Legacy is an eight-year partnership program of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation (HGF) that assists communities across North America, through partnerships with Jewish Federations and Foundations, to promote after-lifetime giving to benefit Jewish day schools, synagogues, social service organizations, and other Jewish entities.