ALBANY–Margo Singer of Castleton, will be the featured artist for the month of September inside the Albany City Hall rotunda, 24 Eagle St., Albany. An opening reception is set for Friday, Sept. 6, from 5 to 7:30 p.m. Light refreshments will be served.

Margo Singer poses with one of her Hawaii photos now hanging at the Albany City Hall.
It is part of the monthly “First Friday” program held in downtown Albany.

One of the images featured in the “The Traveling Lens of Margo Singer: Experience Hawaii.”
Singer’s solo exhibition, entitled, “The Traveling Lens of Margo Singer: Experience Hawaii,” features photographs taken by Singer on a recent trip that she and her husband Izzy took to Hawaii. This trip was in celebration their 20th wedding anniversary. The photographs feature the flora and fauna of the island, as well as several places the Singers visited while on a seven night inter-island cruise.
This art exhibit is part of the First Friday initiative sponsored by the City of Albany Office of Cultural Affairs, First Friday Albany, and Overit Media, which includes free art, music and cultural activities. Margo Singer will be available to answer questions about her photography and about traveling to Hawaii at the First Friday reception. All of the photographs are for sale. The exhibit will run to September 30.

One of the images featured in the “The Traveling Lens of Margo Singer: Experience Hawaii.”
Margo and Izzy Singer are members of Congregation Berith Sholom in Troy and the Nassau Synagogue and Community Center. Izzy is the creator and regular contributor of “Iz Visions” for The Jewish World.