The Jewish calendar is a roadmap for personal transformation. Just as there are fluctuations in our weather, there are fluctuations in the spiritual energies and opportunities available to us in every Hebrew month. When this wisdom is understood and its guidelines applied, a person is empowered to make more meaningful and effective choices for their highest good and that of the planet.

At sunset on July 6 and on July 7, we welcome the new month of Tammuz. As the gateway into the summer, from a secular perspective, Tammuz is viewed frequently as a carefree time, a time to relax, travel, and have fun. According to Jewish wisdom, Tammuz is a time of unique challenges and tests, particularly for the Jewish people.

See Life As It Is

The healing opportunity of this month is seeing. The most important lesson for this month is to recognize that what takes place in life this month is not what it first appears to be. The challenge this month is to see life as it is and not as we want or fear it to be. The question to be mindful this month is “Am I seeing things as they are, or am I simply projecting my own needs, fears and desires onto a person or situation?” When we see life as it is, we are empowered. When we project own fears, anger, insecurities and other unresolved unconscious feelings onto others, we are disempowered and usually suffer. If we blame others for our own weaknesses, we can not go forward in our lives.

The change in perception has to begin within ourselves. We are not responsible for the projections of others, only for our own. No one has to be confined to an old narrative of low self-esteem and insecurity. We each have been given the freedom to choose life and all that is good in spite of what is taking place around us. We can always see our lives in a new and positive way that honors the highest expression of who we are. This is the deeper truth. 

Korach’s Real Meaning

The Torah portion of Korach read to welcome the month of Tammuz reminds us again that what people say may be quite different than what they actually mean. In Korach’s rebellion against the leadership of Moses, his words may have been uplifting “ All of Israel are holy” but his motivation was out of jealousy and power for himself. The story of Korach reminds us of how important it is to see through hypocrisy. After much death, it became clear to the people what the rebellion he led was really about.

In Tammuz, we are often tested to see through appearances. What we held as true dear and true may now be seen as false and unnecessary. It is not always easy to discern what is true particularly these days when there may be distortion, misinformation and even photo-shopping to promote different narratives of reality. If necessary, internal and external structures begin to break down in Tammuz to allow the truth to be better seen.

Growth Opportunity

Tammuz is ultimately a most wonderful month but only if we know how to use its intense energies constructively. This month ask us to be particularly discerning. The growth opportunity this month comes from purifying our seeing and opening our hearts to see the deeper truth, that God is in this world and within each of us. When we see that everything that is happening in our lives offers us an opportunity to access the depth of our own heart and soul, we are blessed and receive blessing. In the month Tammuz we can grow in ways that may not be possible at any other time period in the year. This is the challenge and spiritual opportunity of this month.

This teaching is an except of an upcoming book Living in the Divine Flow a practical guide to accessing inner peace and love, even in the most challenging circumstances. This book based on the Jewish calendar, goes beyond theory, offering tools for readers to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace their authentic selves.