CLIFTON PARK Clifton Park Chabad Jewish Women’s Circle will host its 16th Annual Jewish Women’s Gala at 10:30 am on Sunday, June 9, at the Hyatt Place, ,20 State Farm Pl., Malta.

The women’s event will feature a kosher brunch, raffle auction, prayers for Israel, and singer Amalia Rubin.

“This year especially, we are all in need of some extra positivity, and with Amalia’s performance we will get a nice dose of just that!” said Leah Rubin, Circle director.

The event committee is Rivi Bahir, Alyla Goldman, Irina Feygin, Karyn Lefco and Layne Zagorski.

Admission will be $20 before June 2 and $25 after. Reservations and t raffle tickets may be obtained at  at

Leah Rubin at [email protected] or 518-495-0779 can provide details.