Beth Sabo Novik, storyteller.


SARATOGA SPRINGS–The Saratoga Jewish Cultural Festival (SJCF) will present “Tradition, Tradition: Jewish Storytelling through Performance and Music” Sunday. July 28, 7 p.m. at Beth Shalom Synagogue, 688 Clifton Park Center Rd., Clifton Park. The program also will be available on Zoom.

“Sharing stories often increases empathy among community members, as they recognize and share in each other’s experiences,” said Phyllis Wang, coordinator of the Saratoga Jewish Cultural Festival.

The program will bring together age-old and contemporary tales through oral and musical bards including Rabbi Anna Sugarman, Beth Sabo Novik, Shawn Banner, and Max Novik.

According to organizers, “Tradition, Tradition” will include tales on welcoming strangers standing by one’s values and songs like “Sunrise, Sunset,” and “Exodus.”

According to Wang, many people don’t know that music and stories are historically part of Jewish culture. No matter what the style or genre, no matter whether historical, legendary or present-day, Jewish music, songs and stories are a vital part of Jewish values and tradition. They serve as a reminder of the past, a celebration of the present, and a hope for the future. These tales take many forms, including epic poems, chants, rhymes, songs, and melodies.

Organizers request an admission donation. Registration, which is required, may be obtained at