Campers pose in front of the new yurt at the SJCC .

SCHENECTADY– The Schenectady Jewish Community Center (SJCC) opened its new 30-foot yurt during its second day of camp on July 2.

Camp administrators said that the SJCC’s yurt will help expand and create more space for campers and give them a place to gather during inclement weather or on days of extreme heat. The yurt will also serve as a home base for the SJCC’s Jewish shilchim program.

The SJCC welcomes emissaries of the Israeli community to aid with camp. It has hosted shlichim for more than 20 years through the Jewish Agency of Israel. This program offers an opportunity for campers to meet and get to know young Israelis and learn about their home and life in Israel.

Building the yurt was a $60,000 project made possible with the help from a JCamp 180 Day Camp 2023 Matching Grant from the Harold Grinspoon Foundation’s initiative, which aims to incentivize JCCs to improve the physical assets used for camp. Through various fund-raising programs such as Chipotle night, a community garage sale, a comedy magic and balloon show with Mr. Twisty, the SJCC raised $40,000, and the grant matched $20,000.

“We are very fortunate to be on a 25-acre campus that provides the space for the yurt, and this yurt is part of the Schenectady JCC’s commitment to expanding the campus usage for JCC members,” said SJCC Campus Director Andy Katz.

The SJCC also recently received another matching grant, which it will use to raise money for a new pavilion that will open next year.