ALBANY – A conversation between Rabbi Dan Ornstein of Congregation Ohav Shalom and Megan Turner-Chernia, director of Partnerships at Jewish National Fund-USA’s affiliate, Lauder Employment Center (LEC) will be held at the Ohav Shalom Synagogue, 113 New Krumkill Rd., Albany, on Nov. 14, at 7 p.m. The two will discuss how and why the Jewish National Fund (JNF) is transforming the economic future of the Negev in the south and the Galilee in the north of Israel.
This event is free to attend and will feature a reception following the program.
Turner-Chernia will review the LEC’s work in mobilizing employers, training initiatives, and support programs to match recent refugees with gainful and meaningful employment. She will relate the Jewish National Fund-USA aim to bring 800,000 new residents to the north and south of Israel, and how high-quality employment is key to this endeavor.
Attendees will learn about the Lauder Employment Center’s work with olim (immigrants to Israel) and native Israelis alike to train, match, and facilitate job opportunities in today’s rapidly evolving markets. “This is an exciting opportunity to gain insight into the modern challenges that Israel faces in developing a high quality of life on its frontiers,” said Emily Pfeffer, senior campaign executive, New England and the Capital District.
Originally from Fort Smith, Arkansas, Turner-Chernia made aliyah (immigration to Israel) to Be’er Sheva in 2012 and is passionate about building and strengthening Israel’s frontier, particularly in the Negev, according to the JNF.
Prior to the free discussion at 6:30 p.m. a JNF reception for donors giving $1,800 or more to the current campaign will be featured.
Information and registration may be obtained at jnf.org/nelec or by contacting Pfeffer, at [email protected] or 617-423-0999, ext. 812.