ALBANY – Miriam Cantor-Stone, Congregation Beth Emeth’s new program and engagement director, describes herself as “excited” at being among congregants and learning about their stories and their connections to Beth Emeth and its 184-year-history. One of her goals is to “find more ways to connect people with each other,” and “bring people here safely.” She asserts that she would like Beth Emeth to be welcoming to everyone, from young singles to the elderly, from families with young children to those without children.

Cantor-Stone, 32, took over from Deborah Sokoler, Beth Emeth’s longtime program director, in July. She moved to this region from western Massachusetts four years ago. For the past few years, she served as community engagement coordinator at the Shaker Heritage Society, where she ran volunteer programs and coordinated workshops. Before that, she worked in the Jewish non-profit world as engagement and outreach coordinator for Hillel at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, and as education program assistant at the Jewish Women’s Archive in Brookline, Mass. She also holds a certificate in college counseling through UCLA’s extension program, working at Bethlehem High School in the fall/winter of 2019.
A 2012 cum laude graduate of Mount Holyoke College majoring in religion and gender studies, Cantor-Stone grew up in Houston, Texas where she was involved with Congregation Emanu El, a Reform congregation and with the Girl Scouts of America.
After college, she was a curatorial assistant at Hebrew Union College – Jewish Institute of Religion Museum in New York and interned at Lilith magazine.
Cantor-Stone is married to Joan, a musician studying audio engineering and percussion at SUNY Schenectady Community College. The couple are taking a few weeks off this summer for a COVID-delayed honeymoon, motoring cross-country.