Graphic for upcoming presentation of the The Braid, formerly Jewish Women’s Theater.

SARATOGA SPRINGS–Saratoga Jewish Community Arts (SJCA) will present the first of three “live on Zoom” programs from The Braid on Thursday, Feb. 1, at 7 p.m. The Braid, formerly Jewish Women’s Theater, is a Jewish story company with a 15-year legacy of advancing Jewish culture, according to SJCA organizers. The first program reviews anti-Semitism with true stories that have been written for presentation and is entitled,  “I Loved Jew, I Loved Jew Not.”

“What does it mean to be to be subject to anti-Semitism today,” asks Phyllis Wang, coordinator of SJCA, “when someone is black and Jewish on campus, or when encountering a Nazi in this day as a Jew, or being persecuted for being born Jewish in Iran? What does it mean to be Jewish at this moment?

“More than a dozen contemporary writers, both Jews and their allies, attempt to answer these questions with a curated collection of true stories of anti-Semitism and the strength to stand against it, brought to life in this powerful new work of theater,” Wang continued.

Registration for The Braid’s “I Loved Jew, I Loved Jew Not” is required on the SJCA Home Page, ( Patrons must register for each program from The Braid separately. A playbill and Zoom link will be sent a few days before the program