Celebrating community volunteerism and dedicated leadership is at the heart of Jewish Family Services’(JFS) annual celebration, Mensches & Mimosas, the program will be held virtually on Thursday, June 5, at 7 p.m. This year, JFS will celebrate 27 community mensches and bestow the Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award on Scott L. Shpeen, rabbi emeritus of Congregation Beth Emeth in Albany. He served the congregation as rabbi since 1985, and as senior rabbi since 1992. The rabbi led and represented the congregation until his retirement in 2023.

Garry Sanders, JFS vice chairman and former Congregation Beth Emeth Board president, said “Rabbi Shpeen is a consummate compassionate leader and wonderful listener. His commitment to social justice and the greater good and concern about both the congregants and Albany community makes him an exemplary Anschel Weiss awardee.”

Shpeen now splits his time between the Capital District and Florida, where he serves as High Holy Day rabbi for Congregation Yemei Teshuvah at the Boca West community in Florida.

Still, Shpeen remains a fixture at many local community meetings or conversations here. His involvement continues with local organizations like the Albany Symphony Orchestra and Park Playhouse, JFS and the Jewish Federation. He has also been an adjunct professor at the former College of St. Rose in Albany and served the City of Albany Human Rights Commission.

Shpeen’s efforts on the national stage include URJ leadership. He presently serves on the HUC-JIR President’s Rabbinic Council.

“I joined the JFS Board under Anschel Weiss’s leadership and am particularly honored to receive this award that reflects his special brand of leadership and highlight the good work that JFS does for our entire community,” said Shpeen.

Jane Ginsburg, president and CEO of JFS, noted that “Rabbi Shpeen has given so much to the Capital Region and exemplifies the spirit of the award as a true community builder, serving humanity with humility. Rabbi Shpeen is a leader that has walked the talk, just like JFS — serving the greater community passionately and compassionately guided by Jewish values. It is an honor to honor him.”

Shpeen was married for 31 years to the late Susan Balan, who was the executive director of the Sidney Albert Albany Jewish Community Center at the time of her death in November 2009. He has two married adult children, Hilary (Josh) Brownstein and Adam (Emily Farber) and five grandchildren.

2025 Community Mensches

Jewish organizations throughout this region were invited to nominate an individual or couple giving their time, passion, and hard work to this community.

This year’s honorable menschen from 24 organizations include Jane Architzel from Congregation Berith Shalom; Barry and Shelley Bader from Temple Sinai; Sharon L. Berko from Congregation Ohav Shalom; Erica and Len Berger from the Schenectady Jewish Community Center; Susie R. Caplan from the Shalom Food Pantry; Rachel Douglas from Clifton Park Chabad; Bram Freedman from Temple Israel; Elisa Harrington-Verb from Congregation Gates of Heaven; Barney Horowitz from B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation; Kellie Leinung from the Albany Jewish Community Center; Zvi Klopott from B’Yachad Collaborative Religious School; Tom Kurkjian from Maimonides Hebrew Day School; Keith and Cecile Kowalski from Congregation Beth Emeth; Linda Grimm from Colonie Chabad Chai Life Center; Rabbi Amiel Monson from Jewish Family Services of Northeastern New York and Daughters of Sarah Senior Community; Anita Merims from Congregation Agudat Achim; Amanda Aussems Poskanzer from the Jewish Federation of Northeastern New York; Howard L. Pressman from the Jewish War Veterans; Dr. Dina Gottesman and Daniel Reznik from Congregation Beth Abraham-Jacob; Menuchah Sherman from Chevra Kadisha of the Capital District; Donna Shoss from Bethlehem Chabad; and Brenda Sugarman from Congregation Beth Shalom.

Amidah’s mench is Laura Weisblatt.

Newly participating organizations noting it’s volunteers are Amidah and Jewish War Veterans.

Community Builders Award

The Anschel Weiss Community Builders Award was first presented in 2007 to Anschel Weiss in honor and appreciation of his 16 years of services as executive director of Jewish Family Services. During his tenure at JFS, he grew the agency into what it is today According to Ginsburg, because of his guidance, the agency embraces his vision to serve more members of the community.

Past recipients of the Anschel Weiss Community Builders award include Jane and Mark Levine, Marvin A. Freedman, Alan Iselin (z”l), Herman Ungerman, David Alan Miller, Jean Becker, Amy Klein, Fred Erlich, Mara Ginsberg, Chanie Simon, Rabbi Beverly Magidson, The Golub family, Jerry and Ilene Sykes, Michael Castellana, Steve Lobel, Morris (z”l) and Esther (z”l) Massry, Dr. Mark Sullivan and Representative Michael McNulty.

According to organizers, The annual Mensches & Mimosas Celebration will be virtual to prioritize the JFS focus on community needs and to direct money raised to underwrite free services offered by JFS. Sponsorship, honorary committee and mensch tributes information may be obtained at jfsneny.org/mm2025/ or by calling 518-482-8856