Storyteller Noa Baum’s show “A Land Twice Promised” is slated for the Capital Region on Sunday, April 30, as a crowd-funded community performance. The performance is set for 4:30 p.m. and will be at Temple Israel, 600 New Scotland Ave., Albany.
The performance is based on Baum’s memoir, A Land Twice Promised: An Israeli Woman’s Quest for Peace, which relates her interactions with four women, two Israelis and two Palestinians and their conflicting narratives and emotions surrounding Jerusalem.

Baum writes, “I tell the human story that stands apart from politics and hope that hearing it will call upon us to listen with compassion without surrendering to prejudice and fear, choose dialogue, and commit to peace.”
A workshop for the Jewish community led by Baum entitled, “Beyond Labels: Bridging Differences through Storytelling” is set to follow her performance that evening at 7:30 p.m. It is also at Temple Israel.
According to organizers, the workshop will offer an opportunity to experience the storytelling model Baum developed to help build bridges for dialogue. It was indicated that she will share how listening to, and telling the story of “the other” can help break through stereotypes and rhetoric and aid participants in finding compassion and the possibility of change.
Born and raised in Israel, Baum was previously an actress at Jerusalem Khan Theater, studied with Uta Hagen in NYC and earned a master’s degree from NYU.
The GoFundMe for the performance may be accessed at
Donations are tax deductible and receipts will be sent, according to organizers. Checks may also be written to WithOurVoice, Inc. and mailed to WithOurVoice, PO Box 271, Latham, 12110.
Workshop tickets may be obtained for $18 at .Details will be posted on and on the Children at the Well Facebook page.
The WithOurVoice, Inc. organization, which supports Children at the Well storytelling and the Interfaith Story Circle, is partnering with Congregation Berith Sholom and the Fig Tree Alliance, and others, to bring the storyteller’ performance to the area.