ALBANY — Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors will hold its annual fall fund-raising event on Saturday, Nov. 19. Previously entitled the Mystery Challenge, the annual fund-raiser has been redesigned to encourage crowd engagement, according to organizers. Reflecting the event’s purpose, it has been renamed the “Game Changer Fall Fundraiser” and this year’s theme is casino night.

Games of chance to be featured at annual Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors fund-raiser.
The live, in-person event begins at 7:30 p.m. at the New York State Museum in a new location —the Adirondack Gallery. As in the past, an elaborate kosher buffet reception (under the Va’ad Ha’Kashrut supervision) will be served. In addition, a professional gaming company will provide tables and croupiers to lead guests, of all skill levels — beginners and pros —through multiple table games including poker, roulette, and craps. While no cash is being gambled, prizes will be awarded for those with the biggest wins, and a prize redemption table will allow guests to select prizes for their remaining chips.
Tickets to attend for those 40+ are $100/per person, and for those under 40 years tickets are $50 for each individual.
“Our supporters truly are “Game Changers,” making a tremendous difference to the seniors in our care. Contributions to this event help enhance the quality of life for our residents at the Nursing and Rehabilitation Center and The Massry Residence at Daughters of Sarah,” said Mark Koblenz, CEO of Daughters of Sarah Community for Seniors.
“This event will be a great interactive evening of fun activities, friends, food, and philanthropy,” said Gail Kendall, who serves as a chairwoman, along with other chairpersons Andy Swartz, Murray Massry, and Chana McIntyre. In addition to the chairpersons, the event committee includes Alan Kaplan, Ed Marinstein, David Ginsburg, Susan Litynski, Gail Sokol, Karen Lobel, and Cecile Kowalski.
Lead sponsors for the event are The Massry family, Five Millers Family Foundation, GrayPoint LLC, Schuyler Companies, John Nigro/Nigro Companies, Burke & Casserly, PC, KeyBank, Janney Montgomery Scott, and 40 others.
Information about the event, including the event registration form, may be found at Registration is requested by Nov. 11.