Making sandwiches for soldiers


Our Nancy and Elliott Greene of Altamont sent us this report from Israel:

We are presently nearing the end of our visit to Israel and be assured, Israel’s people are strong and cohesive and world view of the situation here is discussed but then dismissed if necessary.

The war has definitely taken its toll on Israelis.  School days have been shortened and one of our grandsons whose music yeshiva high school is in the West Bank is only again starting to board a few days a week.

Although our visit was pre-planned prior to October 7 and was to be a visit with the kids and some sightseeing, we have adapted. My husband did register with the Israeli Health Ministry and Physicians for Israel prior to our leaving, but he has been notified that his medical specialty is not needed at this time.  He has mixed feelings – a sigh of relief that another anesthesiologist who deals with trauma cases is thankfully not needed but another sigh that he cannot use his medical experience to help.

In perhaps a less dramatic way though, we both have been able to assist here.  We’ve been picking fruit and vegetables for farmers, making sandwiches at Aroma Cafe (10,000 sandwiches a day for those in uniform – not all made by us!) and packaging beef jerky for the “Beef up our Boys” program. While picking zucchini, we even ran into an old friend from Albany, Tova Lennon.

We’ve been able to fit in a trip to Ben Yehuda Street in Jerusalem and met there a couple from Los Angeles.  It was heart warming to hear that they were part of a large group from their community who travelled to Israel solely to help the farmers.

Those who are hesitant to visit, please realize that farmers desperately need help and programs abound in which you can participate.  Now is the time to show your physical support, not only your monetary. We have extended our stay but need to return home next week.  We do hope to return soon.

I’ve attached some pictures.

Am Yisrael Chai!
Nancy and Elliott Greene