SARATOGA SPRINGS–Saratoga Jewish Community Arts (SJCA) will present a panel discussion of the 2015 documentary “Colliding Dreams” by American filmmakers Joseph Dorman and Oren Rudavsky on Sunday, April 28, at 7 p.m. on Zoom.

According to organizers, and filmmakers, “Colliding Dreams” relates Zionism’s history, often considered a controversial and relevant political ideology. The Zionist idea of a homeland for Jews in the land of ancient Israel remains little understood and its meanings are often distorted. The film suggests that Jews and Arabs both believed that, at the end of World War I, the land, then called Palestine, would be theirs. Jews worked for and cited the Balfour Declaration while Arabs asserted promises made by Britain on the condition they would fight alongside the Allies against the Turks. Does today’s strife findits roots in these seemingly conflicting promises?

“What does the future hold— what’s the solution?” asks Phyllis Wang, coordinator of SJCA. “We hear all the time, ‘it’s complicated.’ That perspective shows an awareness of the countless interlocking pieces in this history— and offers little guidance or a route to resolution.” 

“Colliding Dreams” can be viewed free of charge on Kanopy (registration with a library card required). It may also be rented from Apple, Google Play and You Tube.

Registration for the panel discussion may be obtained on